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Learn one-handed 16ths, open-hat barks, and left foot independence in 9 lessons.


  • Solve the one-handed hihat 16th struggle and learn to nail these at 80bpm by implementing the Moeller motion, finding the right hihat height and stick placement, and by practicing key strengthening exercises to up your chops.
  • End the independence struggle with your stubborn left foot by learning the actual foot techniques for playing whatever sounds you want, practicing foot independence exercises, and by learning a strategy that will accelerate your coordination progress.
  • Clean up your open notes and play 16th “barks” or “cuts” pristinely by finding the right cymbal spacing, learning the importance of the big toe when closing the hats, and by intentionally placing your stick on the best spot on the hats for the biggest dynamic contrast.
  • 21 page guide condenses the information, giving you the most essential tips you need to know now.

These methods are powerful, and you’re going to experience a lot of change in your playing if you implement all of these strategies in your practicing. Be ready to see lots of left foot improvement, and get ready to be surprised by how much you can actually grow in a very short time.